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Szachy Turniejowe nr 5 Sunrise, Intarsjowane

Szachy Turniejowe nr 5 Sunrise, Intarsjowane

89.00 Euro
     Szachy turniejowe są jako jedyne traktowane jako profesjonalny komplet szachowy. Jest to nasz średniej wielkości komplet turniejowy. Zawiera obciążane figury szachowe Staunton nr 5 wykonane z drewna drzewa herbacianego. Przepiękna składana kasetka…
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TOURNAMENT No 4 Inlaid (intarsia), insert tray, wooden pieces

TOURNAMENT No 4 Inlaid (intarsia), insert tray, wooden pieces

97.00 Euro
  • Number: CHW41 SET
The Tournament chess is the only one considered a professional chess set. This is the smallest one from our range of the Tournament sets. It goes with our weighted Staunton No 4 chess pieces made from hornbeam wood. The lovely folding chess board has…
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TOURNAMENT No 7 Inlaid (intarsia) - New Line,  insert tray, wooden pieces

TOURNAMENT No 7 Inlaid (intarsia) - New Line, insert tray, wooden pieces

99.00 Euro
  • Number: CH97
  • Availability: Availability - 3 days
The Tournament chess is the only one considered a professional chess set. This is the largest set from our range of the true Tournament chess. It goes with our weighted Staunton No 7 chess pieces made from hornbeam wood. The lovely folding chess board…
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TOURNAMENT No 8 burned folding board,  insert tray, wooden chess pieces

TOURNAMENT No 8 burned folding board, insert tray, wooden chess pieces

95.00 Euro
  • Number: CH98
  • Availability: Availability - 3 days
This is the largest set from our range of the Tournament chess. It goes with the Staunton style No 8 chess pieces made from hornbeam wood. The chessmen also have the felt pads on the bottom however they are unweighted. The folding chess board has been…
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Zestaw szachowy nr 5 do samodzielnego malowania i montażu

Zestaw szachowy nr 5 do samodzielnego malowania i montażu

62.00 Euro
Zestaw szachowy nr 5 do samodzielnego malowania i montażu.Komplet figur szachowych wykonanych z surowego drewna (32 figury, wraz z kompletem obciążników i filców).Drewniana wypalana kasetka szachowa z polami w surowym drewnie do samodzielnego pomalowania…
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44.00 Euro
Zestaw szkolny to jeden z najpopularniejszych kompaktowych zestawów łączących w sobie szachy, warcaby i tryk traka (backgammon). Figury szachowe oraz pionki do warcabów/tryk traka w klasycznym stylu, wykonano z grabu. Wysokość króla wynosi 6 cm. Wewnątrz…
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7.00 Euro
  • Number: DMU03 BROWN
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BABUSHKA - Insert tray

BABUSHKA - Insert tray

100.00 Euro
  • Number: CH137 BLUE
  • Availability: Availability - 3 days
The chessmen in this set have a unique Russian or Ukrainian design. They are fully hand-crafted and made from birch wood. They are available in two colour options: blue and red or green and red. The folding chess board has an insert tray for the chess…
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BESKID - Insert tray

BESKID - Insert tray

87.00 Euro
  • Number: CH166
  • Availability: Available
The chessmen of this set are unique. They reflect a style of Polish highlanders from the Beskid region. These lovely slim chess pieces are made from hornbeam wood. The burned folding chess board has two compartments finished with felt lining for the…
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CLASSIC  - Insert tray

CLASSIC - Insert tray

90.00 Euro
  • Number: CH127
  • Availability: Available
These lovely chessmen have a classical design. However they rather slim and therefore they differ from the Staunton style chessmen. They are fully hand-crafted and made from hornbeam wood. The burned folding chess board has an insert tray for the chess…
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JOWISZ - Insert tray

JOWISZ - Insert tray

63.00 Euro
  • Number: CHW6 SET
  • Availability: Available
The Jowisz chess corresponds with our Tournament No 4 set. It has the same size of chess case equal 41x21cm and it goes with our weighted No 4 Staunton chess pieces made from hornbeam wood. The folding chess board is burned. It has an insert tray for…
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39.00 Euro
  • Number: CH113 BROWN
  • Availability: Available
This is the smallest set from the range of our standard King's sets. Due to its size it is one of the most popular and economical amateur set. The folding chess board has a felt lining inside. The chessmen are made of sycamore wood. This set is available…
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KING'S - LARGE - Insert tray

KING'S - LARGE - Insert tray

70.00 Euro
  • Number: CH111 BROWN
  • Availability: Available
This is the largest set from the range of our standard King's sets, and also one of the most polular amateur sets. It has been equipped with an insert tray for the chess pieces storage. The chessmen are made from hornbeam wood. This set is available…
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MAGNAT - Insert tray

MAGNAT - Insert tray

194.00 Euro
  • Number: CH155
  • Availability: Availability - 3 days
The design of the chessmen in this set is unique. They are hand-crafted and made from three types of wood: oak, sycamore and cherry tree. The alphanumeric notation has been put on light borders of the chess board. The folding chess board has an insert…
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MAGNETIC Small, Insert tray

MAGNETIC Small, Insert tray

56.00 Euro
  • Number: CH140 BROWN
The size of this small Magnetic set from our new line is nearly the same as the one of the CHW10. However the chessmen made from hornbeam wood have more classical (Staunton) design. The alphanumeric notation has been put on the light borders of the chess…
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OLD POLISH  - Insert tray

OLD POLISH - Insert tray

127.00 Euro
  • Number: CH120
  • Availability: Available
This set has a unique Old Polish design. These lovely slim chessmen are weighted. They have been made from cherry tree wood. The folding chess board has an insert tray for the chessmen storage inside. The chess pieces and the chess case sides have been…
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OLYMPIC  - Insert tray

OLYMPIC - Insert tray

64.00 Euro
  • Number: CH122
  • Availability: Available
This is absolutely one of our bestsellers. Thanks to the design of the chess pieces (similar to the one of Staunton), the size of the chess pieces and board many customer prefer this set from the Tournament No 4 from our range. The chess pieces are hand-crafted…
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OLYMPIC - SMALL, Insert tray, inlaid (intarsia)

OLYMPIC - SMALL, Insert tray, inlaid (intarsia)

58.00 Euro
  • Number: CH122AF
  • Availability: Available
This is another version of the Small Olympic set. It goes with a lovely folding chess board inlaid with mahogany and sycamore wood. The chess pieces are hand-crafted and made from hornbeam and beech wood. The burned chessboard has an insert tray for…
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Szachownica plastikowa składana nr 4+, biało - czarna

Szachownica plastikowa składana nr 4+, biało - czarna

6.00 Euro
Turniejowa szachownica o wymiarach 43x43cm wykonana z plastiku. Szachownica jest składana dzięki czemu łatwiej jest ją przenosić. Posiada pola o wymiarach 45x45 mm i idealnie nadaje się do naszych figur szachowych o wysokości króla 80 mm. Pola szachowe…
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TOURNAMENT No 5 Inlaid (intarisa),  insert tray, wooden pieces

TOURNAMENT No 5 Inlaid (intarisa), insert tray, wooden pieces

102.00 Euro
  • Number: CHW42 SET
  • Availability: Available
The Tournament chess is the only one considered a professional chess set. This is our medium Tournament set. It goes with our weighted Staunton No 5 chess pieces made from hornbeam wood. The lovely folding chess board has been inlaid with mahogany and…
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Sunrise Handicrafts ® 2024
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